শুক্রবার , ৮ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩ | ২৪শে ভাদ্র, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
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Water plant setup solving the crisis of water in Satkhira

the editors
ডিসেম্বর ৮, ২০২৩ ৪:০৬ অপরাহ্ণ

Tanzir Kochi: A water purification plant has set up by R-Pac Bangladesh Packaging Company Limited to solve the crisis of safe water about two thousand people in four villages of Satkhira Sadar Upazila

The water plant was inaugurated in Daulatpur village of Sadar Upazila on Friday (December 8) morning.

President of Daulatpur Govt. Primary School Bhairab Mondal, Acting Headmaster Vijay Krishna Tarafdar, Senior Manager (Credit Control and Commercial) of R-Pack Bangladesh Packaging Company Monira Parveen, Team Leader Manjur Alam, Senior Designer Hossain Mia, Assistant Manager Azmiri Sultana, Officer Hasan Sarkar and Executive Rezwanul Islam Sumon spoke in the inauguration ceremony.

It was informed in the event that the water purification plant has been set up at a cost of about 4.5 lakh taka for public welfare from the point of social responsibility. Which is capable of purifying 500 liters of water per hour. Through this, the shortage of potable water in four villages including Daulatpur of Sadar Upazila will be removed.

Note that R-Pac Bangladesh Packaging Company Limited is an American-based multinational company.


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