মঙ্গলবার , ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ | ৮ই চৈত্র, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
  1. English
  2. অনুষ্ঠানসমূহ
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  13. পরিবেশ
  14. ফটো গ্যালারি
  15. বরিশাল

National Youth Convention Calls for Locally-Led Climate Adaptation

the editors
ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮, ২০২৫ ২:৪২ অপরাহ্ণ

TE Desk: The National Youth Convention on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience 2025, held in the capital on Saturday, emphasized the urgent need for strong locally-led adaptation strategies to build climate resilience in Bangladesh. The event, jointly organized by Islamic Relief Bangladesh and YouthNet Global, brought together youth leaders, climate activists, policymakers, and experts to promote community-driven solutions to the climate crisis.

Throughout the day-long convention, speakers stressed that youth leadership must be integrated at every stage of climate policy formulation, implementation, and monitoring. The distinguished panel called for modernizing early warning systems, ensuring free access to global weather data, and actively engaging local communities in disaster preparedness.

Rezwanur Rahman, Director General of the Department of Disaster Management, and Ahmadul Haque, Director of the Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP), highlighted the importance of grassroots involvement in disaster risk reduction. They emphasized that national development policies should encourage blue and green economic activities led by young people, aligning with global climate goals.

Sohanur Rahman, Chief Executive of YouthNet Global, passionately stated, “Young people are not just victims of the climate crisis; we are innovators and problem-solvers. Our leadership must be recognized in shaping a climate-resilient future for Bangladesh and beyond.”

A key highlight of the convention was the voice of young delegates from four climate-affected districts. A participant from Satkhira spoke about the twin challenges of child marriage and climate change, threatening food and livelihood security. In Koyra, youth activists shared their successful climate awareness campaign, while Sylhet’s initiatives — including street dramas, community sessions, and climate strikes — have been raising awareness about plastic pollution. Youth from Monirampur, Jashore, once unaware of climate issues, are now recognized as changemakers in their communities.

The financial challenge of climate adaptation was also discussed, with speakers noting that Bangladesh’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) 2023-2050 requires around $230 billion. Mobilizing funds from domestic and international sources remains critical to bridging this gap, as inadequate financing continues to hinder adaptation efforts and push vulnerable communities deeper into crisis.

The event concluded with the presentation of a Dhaka Youth Declaration by young climate activist Aruba Faruque, calling for the prioritization of voices from climate-vulnerable and marginalized communities in the country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) plan. The declaration emphasized locally-led adaptation principles, nature-based solutions, and the necessity of green climate financing to accelerate adaptation, particularly in coastal areas.

সর্বশেষ - জাতীয়

আপনার জন্য নির্বাচিত

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